Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog Project Post Number 3

According to WebMD, some of the common symptoms of diabetes include:
"Excessive thirst and appetite
Increased urination (sometimes as often as every hour)
Unusual weight loss or gain
Nausea, perhaps vomiting
Blurred vision
In women, frequent vaginal infections
In men and women, yeast infections
Dry mouth
Slow-healing sores or cuts
Itching skin, especially in the groin or vaginal area"

None of those symptoms sounds very pleasant. Plus, as a diabetic, one must be constantly aware of his or her blood sugar levels. This is done by pricking onself with a needle multiple times a day. In addition to that, in the final stages of the disease it is not uncommon for extremities such as the toes to contract gangrene and fall off. Adult Onset Diabetes is an entirely preventable disease! Excessive weight and poor diet often lead to this disease. Sodas have no nutritional value and are thus a part of poor diets. A 12 ounce Coke has 39 grams of sugar in it which is approximately how much sugar an adult should consume in one day! It is deplorable that schools make these beverages readily available for children. There is no reason for children to be put in situations that set them up for physiological failure. Aside from putting children at risk for diabetes, sodas also supply useless empty calories, thereby contributing to the nation's obesity problem. According to, "sugar-sweetened beverages now supply 10% to 15% of total daily calories, both in children and adults...Rigorous scientific studies have shown that consumption of sugared beverages is associated with poor diet, increased rates of obesity and an increased risk of diabetes."

History of Insulin Administration For Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1". Tinta Pelajar Medik. March 10, 2010 .

"Diabetes Symptoms". Web MD. March 2, 2010 .

"Want a healthier state? Save Gov. Paterson's tax on sugar soda". NY Daily News. March 2, 2010 .

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