Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blog Project Post Number 4

The New England Journal of Medicine posted the results of a few studies that were done to view the relationship between sodas and diabetes. "Three prospective, observational studies — one involving nurses in the United States, one involving Finnish men and women, and one involving black women — each showed positive associations between the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and the risk of type 2 diabetes.13,20,21 Among the 91,249 women in the Nurses' Health Study II who were followed for 8 years, the risk of diabetes among women who consumed one or more servings of sugar-sweetened beverages per day was nearly double the risk among women who consumed less than one serving of sugar-sweetened beverages per month13; about half the excess risk was accounted for by greater body weight." That's a lot to think about!

The rate of diabetes and obesity in America is much too high. By having soda machines in school we put our children at risk for these diseases. But, by imposing a small tax on these drinks their consumption could be decreased significantly. Then, the empty calories those drinks are made of would be consumed less and less. Diabetes is a serious disease that shortens your life while making it very uncomfortable. You can be your own advocate. Support the taxes being passed on sodas. Exercise, and eat a healthy diet. A healthy body is a happy body.
Plus, the benefits of a tax on sugary soft drinks are more than just good health. The money raised from the pennies extra you pay can go towards things like healthcare and public works projects. So, while you're losing weight, a new park might be erected in your neighborhood.

"Coke Will Turn Green". Aurum3 Newtech. March 6, 2010 .

Massachusett's Medical Society, "The Public Health and Economic Benefits of Taxing Sugar-Sweetened Beverages". The New England Journal of Medicine. March 2, 2010 .

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