Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rebuttal 1 to Kendall and Sarma

Whether or not a man is physical with another woman or not matters little when deciding what counts as cheating. In Douthat's article there is an example of why many people would say that pornography is adulterous. Elliot Spitzer, an ex-governor paid for extramarital sex. Now the question is, would his wife consider it adultery if her husband had merely hired a prostitute and watched her in his hotel room while masturbating? "My suspicion is that awful lot of people would say yes-not because there isn't some distinction between the two acts, but because the distinction isn't morally significant enough to prevent both from belonging to the zone, broadly defined, of cheating on your wife." So, how is watching porn any different? Just because a computer screen is between you doesn't mean that the act is innocent.

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