Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog Project Post Number 2

Sugary soft drinks are bad for you, no doubt. That's why it's ridiculous that Americans consume so much Coke and Dr. Pepper. Sure, the drinks may taste good, but the toll on your body is significant. Before you even consider how much sugar is in one 12 ounce can of Coke, 39 grams by the way, think of what sodas do to the enamel of your teeth. Bone soaked in Coke overnight dissolves! Sodas stain teeth and contribute to diseases such as osteoporosis in the long run. That's in addition to obesity and diabetes, diseases that lower your life expectancy in a big way.
Right now, federal taxes on sodas are being considered by the Senate. "The Congressional Budget Office...estimated that adding a tax of three cents per 12-ounce serving to these types of sweetened drinks would generate $24 billion over the next four years." This revenue would be put towards healthcare. In addition, "Proponents of the tax cite research showing that consuming sugar-sweetened drinks can lead to obesity, diabetes and other ailments. They say the tax would lower consumption, reduce health problems and save medical costs."
By supporting efforts such as these, you CAN make a difference. You can choose to stop endorsing soft drinks by not buying them, a move which is smart and healthy. In school you can push for the drink machines to stop carrying sodas so that healthier beverages such as water and juice can be sold. There is no limit to what you can do to work to change diabetes in America.

"Stained Teeth and How to Prevent". Teeth Pictures. March 10, 2010 .

Dow Jones & Company, Inc, "Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Healthcare". Wall Street Journal. February, 23, 2010 .


  1. Thanks so much to both of you. Please log on to diabetes in america

  2. Loved this post. Thanks for sharing your day!
