Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog Project Post Number 3

According to WebMD, some of the common symptoms of diabetes include:
"Excessive thirst and appetite
Increased urination (sometimes as often as every hour)
Unusual weight loss or gain
Nausea, perhaps vomiting
Blurred vision
In women, frequent vaginal infections
In men and women, yeast infections
Dry mouth
Slow-healing sores or cuts
Itching skin, especially in the groin or vaginal area"

None of those symptoms sounds very pleasant. Plus, as a diabetic, one must be constantly aware of his or her blood sugar levels. This is done by pricking onself with a needle multiple times a day. In addition to that, in the final stages of the disease it is not uncommon for extremities such as the toes to contract gangrene and fall off. Adult Onset Diabetes is an entirely preventable disease! Excessive weight and poor diet often lead to this disease. Sodas have no nutritional value and are thus a part of poor diets. A 12 ounce Coke has 39 grams of sugar in it which is approximately how much sugar an adult should consume in one day! It is deplorable that schools make these beverages readily available for children. There is no reason for children to be put in situations that set them up for physiological failure. Aside from putting children at risk for diabetes, sodas also supply useless empty calories, thereby contributing to the nation's obesity problem. According to, "sugar-sweetened beverages now supply 10% to 15% of total daily calories, both in children and adults...Rigorous scientific studies have shown that consumption of sugared beverages is associated with poor diet, increased rates of obesity and an increased risk of diabetes."

History of Insulin Administration For Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1". Tinta Pelajar Medik. March 10, 2010 .

"Diabetes Symptoms". Web MD. March 2, 2010 .

"Want a healthier state? Save Gov. Paterson's tax on sugar soda". NY Daily News. March 2, 2010 .

Blog Project Post Number 2

Sugary soft drinks are bad for you, no doubt. That's why it's ridiculous that Americans consume so much Coke and Dr. Pepper. Sure, the drinks may taste good, but the toll on your body is significant. Before you even consider how much sugar is in one 12 ounce can of Coke, 39 grams by the way, think of what sodas do to the enamel of your teeth. Bone soaked in Coke overnight dissolves! Sodas stain teeth and contribute to diseases such as osteoporosis in the long run. That's in addition to obesity and diabetes, diseases that lower your life expectancy in a big way.
Right now, federal taxes on sodas are being considered by the Senate. "The Congressional Budget Office...estimated that adding a tax of three cents per 12-ounce serving to these types of sweetened drinks would generate $24 billion over the next four years." This revenue would be put towards healthcare. In addition, "Proponents of the tax cite research showing that consuming sugar-sweetened drinks can lead to obesity, diabetes and other ailments. They say the tax would lower consumption, reduce health problems and save medical costs."
By supporting efforts such as these, you CAN make a difference. You can choose to stop endorsing soft drinks by not buying them, a move which is smart and healthy. In school you can push for the drink machines to stop carrying sodas so that healthier beverages such as water and juice can be sold. There is no limit to what you can do to work to change diabetes in America.

"Stained Teeth and How to Prevent". Teeth Pictures. March 10, 2010 .

Dow Jones & Company, Inc, "Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Healthcare". Wall Street Journal. February, 23, 2010 .

Friday, February 12, 2010

Benefits of a Sugar Tax on Sodas in Relation to Diabetes Blog Project Post #1

Sodas have little to no nutritional value, it says so on the label. Soft drinks are composed entirely of empty calories provided by sugar. Children and adolescents who drink these beverages are increasing their chances of devoloping diabetes and becoming overweight or obese exponentially. One 12 ounce can of soda has approximately 130 calories. Most people who drink soft drinks do not just drink one a day. Therefore, there are people who consume something like 400 calories a day of pure sugar from drinks. How could that be good for you in any way? It has been proven many times that consuming such beverages is highly detrimental to your health.
Why do schools make such drinks readily available for children? In doing so they are laying the foundation for a poor diet! I know they taste great but sodas are obviously addicting and kids don't deserve to be hoodwinked by soft drink corporations disguising a whole day's worth of sugar in a brightly packaged bottle!
One way to help the fight against diabetes is by enacting a sugar tax on sugared beverages. In this way, soda consumption will be deterred by higher prices. This is a strategy which has worked on tobacco products. If a soda costs more than something healthy there would be a bigger chance that a person would buy the cheaper and healthier drink. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine by Kelly D. Brownell and Thomas R. Friedan stated that, "A penny-per-ounce excise tax could reduce consumption of sugared beverages by more than 10%." Imagine the impact that could have on reducing the numbers of people suffering from diabetes and obesity. So, even if we can't get soda machines removed from places such as junior highs right now, we can still impact the immediate future.

"First direct evidence of link between belly fat and heart disease". March 10, 2010 .

"Ounces of Prevention — The Public Policy Case for Taxes on Sugared Beverages". The New England Journal of Medicine. February, 12, 2010 .

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rebuttal To Kendall

Whether or not pornography is classified as adultery in the dictionary is irrelevant. This is a question of emotions and whether or not viewing pornography constitutes cheating to the party who feels betrayed. If he or she feels that by viewing pornography his or her partner has betrayed his or her trust, the dictionary will not be able to convince them otherwise, If a husband has a porn habit that has affected his marriage, it is not his choice to decide if that habit is adulterous. His wife will believe it is or it isn't, no matter what someone else has to say.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rebuttal 1 to Kendall and Sarma

Whether or not a man is physical with another woman or not matters little when deciding what counts as cheating. In Douthat's article there is an example of why many people would say that pornography is adulterous. Elliot Spitzer, an ex-governor paid for extramarital sex. Now the question is, would his wife consider it adultery if her husband had merely hired a prostitute and watched her in his hotel room while masturbating? "My suspicion is that awful lot of people would say yes-not because there isn't some distinction between the two acts, but because the distinction isn't morally significant enough to prevent both from belonging to the zone, broadly defined, of cheating on your wife." So, how is watching porn any different? Just because a computer screen is between you doesn't mean that the act is innocent.