Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog Project Wrap Up

Overall, I feel that it is possible to change the negative results the soda industries have imposed on Americans. Diabetes is preventable. It may seem like a tough job, which it will be, but if we start removing sugary soft drinks from our daily diets and environments, our efforts will be rewarded. What has proven helpful for many other campaigns, including the campaigns soda companies, has been advertisement. What if we turned this against themselves. If more people knew the truth of the dangers that soft drinks pose to them and their children, they would be less likely to consume the drinks. In this way, less people would be at risk for diabetes, and obesity rates might even drop. Our nation should be a picture of health. America is not a third world country. We have high quality medical care, technonolgy, and education. This should be reflected by a population of happy, healthy people; people whose lives aren't shortened by a disease brought on by poor diet.